MyHeritage DNA kit. Package Design
Packaging design for dynamic testing kit for the international brand “My Heritage DNA”, which combines technology and family tradition.

They contacted us to design a case for their DNA test kit, which is to be sent to customers from around the worldת ordering online DNA test kits. The kit was the first offline “MyHeritage” product and it was important and vital that the kits that reached their customers’ homes make a good impression. In addition to the aesthetic considerations, we also had to consider the fact that the package contains sensitive products that are subject to different regulations and restrictions, and also think about how to ship a really uninspiring product – a total assessment of two plastic containers and two DNA samples – for the product that customers would be excited to receive.

They contacted us to design a case for their DNA test kit, which is to be sent to customers from around the worldת ordering online DNA test kits. The kit was the first offline “MyHeritage” product and it was important and vital that the kits that reached their customers’ homes make a good impression. In addition to the aesthetic considerations, we also had to consider the fact that the package contains sensitive products that are subject to different regulations and restrictions, and also think about how to ship a really uninspiring product – a total assessment of two plastic containers and two DNA samples – for the product that customers would be excited to receive.

We wanted to create a package that will give customers a sense of expectation as they open the packaging, which will make them excited for the journey they are embarking on. The package also includes an envelope for sending DNA testing back to the company.