Neat. The Online digital look
Reimaging the new online digital look of Neat, as part of the holistic strategic branding process we did together with NEAT team. Through a series of strategic and creative meetings we have defined the new look, we would like to have for the brand 2022 face.

The biggest challenge was to create a simple yet minimalistic experience for this super smart website hosting all of these amazing products Neat was part of their development during the years.

Alon with the lines of the branding and the brand’s primary colors, the orange, black and white pallet we created a quiet environment for all the variety of the projects.

We have explored different design directions, and have decided to go with the cleanest structure. As a multi-disciplinary engineering house, it was important to present all the different segments, such as the Clean-Tech, IoT, Robotics, and medical devices. Take in consideration that each project is a different client and has a different look.
The web was designed on Figma and developed on WordPress. Visit: