Lifebuoy, Pool Safety alarm. Brand identity & packaging design
A visual identity, brand positioning, product package design and digital design for Lifebuoy, pool safety alarm systems

The branding positioning Lifebuoy as the new front-line pool safety alarm brand. Presenting the new Bcone as the next generation of the pool saftey alarm

Using a dominant relationship between red and light blue. The red represents the color of the product and the azure that of course represents the pool and at the same time the chosen shade the azure that produces a pleasant feeling of calm. The combination of the two has created a strong and dominant brand language. A dialogue between the calm, the quiet and the sense of security that the color red is presenting.
The logo: The Typeface logo The logo, very minimalist, built from a classic typeface, with round corners creates a pleasant and safe feeling, the round & bold O element, is an abstraction to a life guard wheel which of course means the company name. The same O is also repeated in the product logo

The symbol design is based on the shape of the floating Bcone. The colors – half blue half red, emphasizing the way you see the Bcone inside the pool. Using the ripple element, telling the complete story of the product.

The Lifebuoy, Bcone package defining the company’s innovative approach. We did with the package design the same thing we did with the brand – The complete unboxing experience, and the look of the product inside the package, follow the same lines.

The NotFromHere team has created the creative 3D experience of the product floating in the package, like it is floating in the pool